How To Make Your Content More Engaging : 5 Easy Peasy Ways


08 September 2018


Content marketing

Content marketing is an essential tool to increase the net reach of a business. Especially since consumers are becoming more and more research dependent to choose from hundreds of options for the same product or service.

“Google” has now become a verb and customers “google” everything before buying. In this scenario, content marketing becomes very important to make sure the customers get to see your website and content. Search Engine Optimized text and smart use of keywords are important to make your content visible.

However, just attracting a customer to your website is not enough. Keeping your website visitors engaged is equally, if not more, important. But how do you do that? Here are a few things you can do to engage your website visitors. Content Marketing.

Different Ways Content Marketing Can Make Things Possible For You   

There are several factors you have to take care of if you want to multiply your business in the right direction. Content Marketing can make things easier for you.

1. Keep Your Content Informative:

The prime objective of your website and the aim of your customer is to gather information regarding a particular subject. Thus, while experimenting with everything else, do not undermine the importance of quality information in content marketing. Focus on incorporating a diverse range of subjects in your content, add news pieces, and give your readers more reasons to visit your website multiple times.

2. Present Data via Infographics:

Statistics automatically increase the quality of your content. But let’s face it, numbers can get boring if not presented correctly. Thus including data in your content without making the readers lose their interest in the content can be a tough job. A good and proven way is to use infographics. Curate your own infographics based on reliable data. However, it is important to keep in mind that the data should be readable and understandable by your readers.

 3. Include Videos:

Videos are much more engaging than text, especially when it comes to informative text. Curate videos related to the products or services you offer. You can also include clippings of interviews or news that presents information relating to your services. For example, if you offer natural and organic skincare products, you can add news clippings talking about the harmful effects of toxins in cosmetic products.

To be more engaging, use animation and curate your own video describing why the customer needs what you are offering. It is advertising yes, but also a part of your content. Hence, do not shy away from using videos on your website.

4. Use Pop Culture:

One thing we can all agree on is that no one likes to read boring content. You have to put in efforts to make your content more interest-grabbing. A good option is to use pop culture references so that the customers can relate your content to their daily lives. While this does not mean there should be any compromise on the level of information, it surely will help you develop a connection between your services and your customers all the while making your content more enjoyable.

5. Personal Touch Is Important:

While the prime function of your content is to give out information, personal touch to your content can make it even more reliable and relatable to your customers. Sharing your personal experience regarding any particular subject, or an anecdote of an incident while availing of service shows that the information you provide comes from experience and is thus practically useful to your customer.

You can even hire content marketing service providers to enhance your visibility and access online or invest in a WordPress maintenance service to manage your website so you can focus more time on marketing. The above-mentioned points help you make your content engaging. However, it is also crucial to make sure that your content is shareable. Add in sharing links for different social media platforms. Keep the comment section open and try reverting back to your customer’s feedback regarding your content. These little things can help you get the best out of your business’s online presence.

Read Also:

  • Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO
  • Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Mobile Marketing

4 Ways to Use Mobile Marketing in a B2B Marketing Strategy

Did you know that four out of five business-to-business (B2B) marketers are using mobile marketing? It’s true! Mobile video has become an essential part of any successful marketing strategy. The rise of apps, social media, and other forms of mobile consumption has given marketers more ways to get creative with their video content. But it’s not always easy to figure out what video content will work best for your business. And it can be even harder to find the time and money to create that content and make sure it gets in front of the right people.  With more companies adding mobile marketing strategies to their toolbox, it's important to understand the many ways to use B2B video as a component of your marketing strategy. Simply put, mobile video is where your customers are — and it's a great way to reach them with the right message at the right time in their buying journey. While marketers have been quick to embrace social media marketing, many are still struggling with how to best incorporate video into their overall digital marketing strategy.  While we could certainly spend an entire day telling you about this topic, we're going to boil it down to 4 of our favorite ways to use mobile marketing in a B2B marketplace 1. Social Videos One way to use video marketing is by creating social videos. These are short, bite-sized pieces of content that are perfect for sharing on social media.  You may often think that you need to create one big long brand story and then push it out into the world, but in reality, you need to be thinking about producing a whole lot of smaller pieces of content. For example, when you're starting to think about launching a new product or service, create a series of quick videos that help illustrate why people need it or how to use it.Videos shared on social media are a great way to develop a deeper brand identity, and they are generally already optimized for mobile viewership. Take advantage of the opportunities that social media trends offer to get your custom video message in the face of the consumers that you are seeking to reach.   2. Add Video to Sales Meetings Sales meetings are prime opportunities to show off your brand’s personality and make a personal connection with prospects. But they can also be difficult to schedule — and even more difficult to keep interesting once you do meet with a prospect. So what can you do? Get creative with video! Instead of relying on typical Powerpoint slides or printouts for your sales meeting, create a short video about your company, its products, and its mission. This approach is one of the best ways to use video in your business-to-business marketing strategy — because it can help build relationships from the start of the sales process. 3. Use Mobile Video Marketing for Lead Generation Video is an extremely versatile tool that can be used for any part of the sales funnel, from lead generation all of the ways through the final sale and into post-sales maintenance of your customer relationships. For lead generation, you'll want to create videos that showcase your product or service in a way that's engaging but also informative. Video content is more valuable than ever.  Not only does video marketing have a major impact on lead generation and on converting leads into customers, but it also can be used in a variety of ways to help you get your message across. The more effectively you can communicate your value proposition to prospective customers, the more leads you can generate.  4. Make Your Calls-to-Action Prominent and Easy to Use If someone wants to get in touch with you — whether it's on your website or in response to your email — make sure you're giving them every opportunity to do so by clearly displaying your contact information (including phone number.)  You want prospects to be able to contact you easily on the go — especially if they're having trouble using their desktop or laptop computers at the moment. Your call to action should always include a simple way for potential customers to continue their journey down your sales funnel — and contacting you is a major step forward.  If you represent an enterprise-level business looking for a sophisticated solution or a smaller business looking for an easy, effective way to create high-quality video content as part of your marketing strategies, mobile marketing is the smart way to go. Read Also: 10 Ways To Earn Money From Your Mobile Device8 Powerful Reasons You Need To Use Video MarketingThe 7 Most Common Email Marketing MistakesWhy Should You Hire a B2B Digital Marketing Consultant?


Marketing – What’s Right for Your Business?

When it comes to running a business, marketing plays a huge role in your day to day operations. Regardless of how big or small your business may be, it still needs a solid marketing strategy to help it grow and expand. However, with so many different types of marketing available these days, it can be difficult knowing which one is right for you. Here, you’ll discover how to decide which marketing method is right for your business. Though no matter what type of marketing your business pursues, finding the right DAM solutions to store all of your marketing content is important. Online marketing options : If you aren’t yet focusing your efforts into online marketing, you’ll definitely want to start! Digital marketing has become an integral part of modern business. As the majority of consumers turn to their smartphone to buy from and research local businesses, at the very least your company should have a website. Regardless of which type of business you run, you’ll definitely want to set up a social media account for marketing purposes. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram all provide fantastic marketing opportunities. However, you need to ensure you’re choosing the right one to match your business. You need to go where your target market is, so researching where your ideal customers hang out the most will help you to determine which platform to focus on. As well as social media, cold emailing paid ads and content marketing are all worth considering. Offline marketing : While online marketing is definitely huge right now, don’t underestimate the power of offline marketing too. Take leaflets for example. When targeted correctly, leaflets can prove to be a very powerful marketing tool, especially for local businesses. You don’t need to actually deliver the leaflets yourself either. You can hire companies like, to distribute the leaflets for you. Simply select where you’d like the leaflets delivered and they’ll take care of the rest. They can even design and print the leaflets for you. Consumers are much more likely to respond to direct offline marketing methods than they are to an email for example. You can also increase the chance of conversions by properly researching your target market and ensuring the leaflets only get dropped off at your ideal customer’s homes. Other offline options you may find useful include radio, newspapers and magazines. However, for the most part, leaflets tend to be the most successful and affordable option out there. Why a mixed approach is often best : If you’re looking to create the most successful marketing strategy, ideally, you’ll want to focus on a mixture of online and offline methods. That way, you’re going to target the largest number of consumers. Digital marketing is largely successful for millennial and middle-aged audiences, while offline methods work better at targeting the older generation. Overall, it doesn’t really matter which type of business you run, both online and offline marketing strategies can help grow your brand and capture new customers. The trick is to do as much research into your target market as you can to establish where they hang out and where your efforts are best focused on. Read Also : Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO Digital Marketing: Utilize Facebook To Support Your Hospitality Business How To Deal With Debt By Doing Business Marketing Smartly?


Oh, Crop! Killer E-commerce Mistakes You Need to Conquer

One of the most lucrative and fast-growing industries is the e-commerce industry. It has risen in popularity over the years due to the convenience and accessibility it provides for the consumers, and even for the sellers themselves. A lot of people have been trying to start their businesses from home, yet they don't know where to start, and they have no idea about the wide variety of industries they can invest in or the right tools they should use. Aside from knowing what to do with your new venture, you also need to know the common mistakes and blunders you can commit. Lapses, no matter how small, can be highly detrimental to your business. But as worrying as it all sounds, don't worry. You can learn how to spot, avoid, and remedy these mistakes with this simple guide. Without further ado, here are five mistakes you need to avoid to keep your e-commerce business bug-free and in full swing. Mistake #1: Forgetting Your Market One of the biggest and most common mistakes online entrepreneurs make is forgetting what their market looks like or who their target audience is. Aside from spending most of your time and effort in honing the perfect product, without actually creating a need for your customers, you also have to know your customer demographic. Wouldn't it be ideal to have customers before creating a product, rather than having a product beforehand and then looking for clients? All of your efforts will be rendered fruitless. Know how to target your audience or your buyer persona. A buyer persona is a representation of your customer's demographics, such as age, gender, profession, and social status. To paint you a clearer picture, if you're a designer in the print industry, you need to know your target audience before you begin selling. You won't sell cheap business cards to upper-class professionals looking to spruce up their portfolios just as you wouldn't sell overly-priced prints for low-quality products. Mistake #2: Lack of Social Media Presence The regular person owns at least five social media accounts. And on average, we spend about an hour and 40 minutes browsing these sites. Can you believe that the number of online shoppers in the United States alone will reach 224 million in 2019! Numbers aside, the stats are telling us to leverage social media in getting our brand out there. Say hi to social media. Brands are using social media marketing for some highly useful and practical reasons. Some even devise different loyalty program for their avid followers on social media channels. Some of these are because it provides: Low-cost solution. Social media platforms are an excellent way to get bang for your buck advertising and brand exposure. Customization. From Facebook Insights to Google Analytics, you can customize your pages to your heart's content and receive detailed reports on your customers' demographics and browsing behaviors. Excellent customer service platform. According to a recent study by Venturebeat, 51 percent of the respondents say businesses need to be available around the clock. If e-commerce brands are now adopting customer service chatbots with 24/7 messaging services, so should you. If you’re still not convinced, you can think of your social media accounts as your company’s very own affordable business cards, showcasing your brand and the services you offer virtually. Mistake #3: Neglecting Mobile Optimization Mobile is everywhere, and the world is accessing the internet through their smartphones. With 80 percent of internet users owning a smartphone, failing to recognize the need for mobile optimization, could mean losing half of your potential e-commerce market. Poor user experience can negatively impact your conversion rates. If you shift your focus on creating the ideal mobile user experience for your customers, you can increase your brand reputation and customer retention, and avoid losing 61 percent of your clients due to the poor website experience. As an internet-based entrepreneur, use whatever tools you have at your disposal to provide an optimized user browsing and shopping experience. Bank on your best assets and give yourself an advantage over your industry rivals. Mistake #4: Faulty Shipping Flexibility When you first decided to run an e-commerce business, I'm guessing you did for the flexibility it gave you in doing your daily tasks. You didn't have to meet people face to face, and you could make your timetable to suit your needs. You can now do all of your work at home, and nobody would have to see you in sweatpants. The same principle goes for your consumers. All customers like to have options, especially when it comes to shipping. According to research, only 1 in 4 online shoppers complete a purchase? 44 percent of cart abandonment cases are due to high shipping costs, and a whopping 93 percent of online shoppers say they'll buy more if they got free shipping. Free shipping can increase sales and improve customer loyalty. According to a study from E-tailing, 73 percent of purchasers consider unconditional free shipping as a decisive factor in shopping online. But like all other business aspects, weigh the pros and cons of your business before making a decision. Mistake #5: Failing to Measure Performance If you want to succeed in the competitive world of e-commerce, you need to know how to gauge and evaluate your performance. Take note of your business habits, particularly regarding expenses and marketing. Use your business plan as a roadmap to help you steer your way throughout your business venture. Check your statistics regularly. Update your ledger and see if your business is thriving or failing. Look at your consumer insights and keep up with the masses' latest trends. Be as specific as you can with your data. Don't inflate your figures and understand the areas you lack to improve them further. By monitoring your performance, you are helping your business achieve greater heights compared to passive management. And the good news is, there's always room for improvement, be it for you or your business. Takeaway As John Sagel said, "What we do know now is that the 'E' in e-commerce doesn't stand for 'easy.' Opening an e-commerce business can be overwhelming and nerve-wracking, but it can also be a highly worthwhile and profitable venture. There is no guarantee of overnight success. However, you can set yourself up for the best chance at succeeding. To do so, grasp the basics, learn from seasoned entrepreneurs, and watch out for their mistakes to avoid committing them yourself.